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SFB TR6 workshop 2013

5 - 7 March 2013, Schloss Waldthausen, Mainz, Germany

General Program Poster session Getting to the workshop


Please download the current preliminary program pdf:

Preliminary Program (pdf, 108kB, 12.02.2013 03:27:03)

Speakers and Titles

A1Donald GuuMelting liquid and crystalline droplets in rod-sphere dispersions by shear flow
A2Jörg StellbrinkRelating flow and structure of soft colloids
A4Roland WinklerStructure, dynamics, and rheology of ultrasoft colloids under shear flow
A5Pinaki ChaudhuriMicro- and macro-rheology of glass-forming systems
A6Christian Amman, Kevin MutchStress overshoots and rheology of concentrated hard sphere suspensions
A7Christian HarrerActive and nonlinear microrheology
B1Thomas PalbergSelf organized motion in intrinsic electric fields
B2Gerhard NägeleA unifying mode-coupling theory for transport properties of charge-stabilized colloids and electrolyte solutions
B4Vitaly StarchenkoElectrokinetics of a single colloidal sphere - the dynamic mean field approach
B7Periklis PapadopoulosElectrokinetics on superhydrophobic surfaces
B8Arnout ImhofStructure and dynamics of rod suspensions in electric fields and confinement
B9Jiajia ZhouComputer simulations of nonometer-size colloids in alternating electric fields
C1Christian KreuterColloidal particles in confined geometry: transport in lanes and over barriers
C2Peter KeimPhase transition in 2d far from equilibrium
C3Tobias KruppaRandom pinning disorder in a 2d colloidal system
 Urs ZimmermannTransport of interacting colloids in microchannels with obstacles
C4Ullrich SiemsSimulation of colloidal particles in channel geometry
C7Florian EversParticle dynamics in potential energy optically-generated landscapes
D1H.-J. SchöpeHighly charged colloidal crystals in confinement
D3Andreas KaiserTrapping rod-like microswimmers
 Borge ten HagenModeling and realization of asymmetric microswimmers in two dimensions
D5Kurt BinderPercolation versus phase separation in mixtures of anisotropic and spherical colloids
D6Anke Leferink op ReininkEngineering Lyotropic Crystal Phases
N1Johannes BleibelCapillarity-driven colloidal dynamics at fluid interfaces
 Prof. Dr. David J.Norris (ETH Zürich)How does colloidal convective assembly work?
 Prof. Dr. Kristiaan Neyts (University of Gent)Charged inverse micelles and particles in non-polar liquids
 Prof. Dr. Eric Furst (University of Delaware)Directing the path of colloidal assembly for functional nanomaterials
 Prof. Dr. Sabine Klapp (TU Berlin)Self-assembly and self-organization of dipolar colloids
 Prof. Dr. Klaus Mecke (Universität Erlangen)Density functional theory for non-spherical hard particles