SFB TR6 Summer School on Soft Matter

"Colloids in external fields: Physics and applications"



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  Talk Abstracts     Poster Abstracts  

List of selected participants

ID Title Name Firstname Gender Position Institution City Country eMail
0 Dr. ZHANG KEQIN male PostDoc National University of Singapore Singapore Singapore phyzkq@nus.edu.sg
3 Dr. Juan Jose Cerda Pino male PostDoc Frankfurt Institute for advanced Studies , (C.Holm's group). Frankfurt am Main Germany j.cerda@fias.uni-frankfurt.de
4 Mr. Torres Valderrama Aldemar male PhD Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands torres@phys.uu.nl
6 Mr. Dai Liang male PhD physics department, National university of singapore singapore singapore g0403186@nus.edu.sg
7 Dr. domenico salerno male PostDoc universita degli studi di milano bicocca cusano milanino italy domenico.salerno@gmail.com
8 Ms. Krauss Franziska female PhD Nonmetallic Inorganic Materials, ETH Zurich CH-8093 Zurich Switzerland franziska.krauss@mat.ethz.ch
9 Mr. Demirors Ahmet male PhD Utrecht University, Debye Institute Utrecht The Netherlands a.f.demirors@phys.uu.nl
10 Dr. Kirchhoff Raina female PhD Theoretische Physik II Düsseldorf Deutschland kirchhra@uni-duesseldorf.de
11 Mr. ASSOUD Lahcen male undergraduate Institut für Theoretische Physik II Duesseldorf germany assoud@thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de
12 Dr. Ruberto Romina female PostDoc University of Messina / ICTP ( TS) Trieste Italy ruberto@ts.infn.it
13 Mr. Rex Martin male PhD Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Düsseldorf 40225 Düsseldorf Germany rexm@thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de
14 Dr. Schofield Andrew male PostDoc School of Physics, Edinburgh University Edinburgh UK abs@ph.ed.ac.uk
15 Mr. Harrison Andrew male PhD James Clake Maxwell Building, Kings Buildings Edinburgh Scotland a.w.harrison@sms.ed.ac.uk
16 Dr. Kang Kyongok female PostDoc Forschungszentrum Juelich Juelich Germany k.kang@fz-juelich.de
17 Dr. Le Grand Arnaud male PostDoc IESL-FORTH Heraklion Greece alegrand@iesl.forth.gr
18 Ms. Kim Grace E. female PhD SUPA, School of Physics, The university of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH9 3JZ UK Grace.Kim@ed.ac.uk
19 Mr. Isa Lucio male PhD School of Physics, Univerity of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK Lucio.Isa@ph.ed.ac.uk
20 Mr. Noruzifar Ehsan male PhD Mainz university, Junior Research Group Oettel Mainz Germany ehsanph@yahoo.com
21 Ms. Jungblut Swetlana female PhD Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet, Institut fuer Physik 55099 Mainz Germany jungbl@uni-mainz.de
22 Mr. Eggen Eelco male PhD Institute for Theoretical Physics and Debye Institute, Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands E.J.Eggen@phys.uu.nl
23 Mr. Zwanikken Jos male PhD Institute for Theoretical Physics / Debye Institute 3584 CE Utrecht Netherlands J.W.Zwanikken@phys.uu.nl
24 Mr. Baumgartl Joerg male PhD Universitaet Stuttgart, 2. Physikalisches Institut Stuttgart Germany j.baumgartl@physik.uni-stuttgart.de
25 Dr. Shundyak Kostyantyn male PostDoc Institute-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics Leiden, NL-2333 CA The Netherlands shundyak@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl
26 Mr. Huang Fei male PhD Brandeis University Waltham USA philfh@brandeis.edu
27 Mr. Botan Vitalie male PhD Mainz university, Junior Research Group Oettel Mainz Germany vitalie.botan@fysik.uu.se
28 Mr. Pesth Florian male PhD Mainz university, Junior Research Group Oettel Mainz Germany fpesth@compuserve.de
29 Dr. Giavazzi Fabio male PhD Universita degli Studi di Milano Milano Italia fabio.giavazzi@unimi.it
30 Mr. Hermes Michiel male PhD Soft Condensed Matter Utrecht Utrecht The Netherlands m.hermes@phys.uu.nl
31 Ms. Francesca Ianni female PhD Universita' La Sapienza di Roma Rome Italy francesca.ianni@phys.uniroma1.it
32 Mr. Ebert Florian male PhD Fachbereich Physik University of Konstanz 78457 Konstanz Germany florian.ebert@uni-konstanz.de
33 Mr. Uros Tkalec male PhD Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana Slovenia uros.tkalec@ijs.si
34 Ms. Selimovic Seila female PhD Brandeis University Waltham, MA 02454 USA sselimov@brandeis.edu
35 Dr. Kyrylyuk Andriy male PostDoc Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics Eindhoven The Netherlands a.kyrylyuk@tue.nl
36 Dr. Sara Zuzzi female PhD Physics Department, Universita degli Studi di Perugia and Universita La Sapienza Roma Perugia Italy zuzzi@fisica.unipg.it
37 Mr. van Meel Jacobus male PhD FOM Institute AMOLF Amsterdam The Netherlands vanmeel@amolf.nl
38 Mr. Zausch Jochen male PhD Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz 55099 Mainz Germany zausch@uni-mainz.de
39 Mr. Dillmann Patrick male PhD University of Konstanz Konstanz Germany patrick.dillmann@uni-konstanz.de
40 Dr. Meenakshi Dutt female PostDoc University of Cambridge Cambridge CB2 3QZ United Kingdom md336@cam.ac.uk
41 Mr. Glavatskiy (Glavatskyy) Kirill (Kyrylo) male PhD Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway kirill.glavatskiy@chem.ntnu.no
42 Dr. Duri Agnés female PostDoc Laboratoire des Colloides, Verres et Nanomateriaux Montpellier France duri@lcvn.univ-montp2.fr
43 Ms. Bozorgui Behnaz female PhD FOM institute, AMOLF Amsterdam The Netherland bozorgui@amolf.nl
44 Ms. van den Pol Esther female PhD Van 't Hoff laboratory for physical and colloid chemistry, Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands e.vandenpol@chem.uu.nl
45 Mr. Hopkins Paul male PhD University of Bristol Bristol United Kingdom paul.hopkins@bristol.ac.uk
46 Mr. Henseler Peter male PhD University of Konstanz D-78457 Konstanz Germany peter.henseler@uni-konstanz.de
47 Ms. GUO HUA female PhD Van der Waals-Zeeman Instituut ,University van Amsterdam Amsterdam The netherlands hguo@science.uva.nl
48 Ms. Page Amanda female PhD Soft Condensed Matter Group, Guildford, U.K. A.Page@surrey.ac.uk
49 Ms. Lorenz Nina female PhD Department of Physics, KOMET 336, University of Mainz, Germany Mainz Germany LorenzN@uni-mainz.de
50 Mr. de Villeneuve Volkert male PhD Van't Hoff Laboratorium voor Fysische en Colloid Chemie Utrecht Netherlands v.w.a.devilleneuve@chem.uu.nl
51 Mr. Ionescu Cristian Dumitru male PhD Universita degli Studi di Milano Milano Italia cristian.ionescu@mi.infm.it
52 Mr. Sandomirski Kirill male PhD University of Konstanz Konstanz Germany kirill.sandomirski@uni-konstanz.de
53 Mr. Krüger Matthias male PhD Fachbereich Physik, Universität Konstanz 78457 Konstanz Germany matthias.krueger@uni-konstanz.de
54 Mr. Osterman Natan male PhD Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana Ljubljana Slovenia natan.osterman@fmf.uni-lj.si
55 Mr. Mourad Maurice male PhD Physical & Colloid Chemistry, Utrecht University Utrecht Netherlands m.c.d.mourad@chem.uu.nl
56 Mr. Ravnik Miha male PhD Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia miha.ravnik@fmf.uni-lj.si
57 Ms. van 't Zand Danielle female PhD University of Edinburgh, School of Physics, JCMB, room 4305 Edinburgh Scotland d.d.vantzand@ed.ac.uk
58 Mr. van Oostrum Peter male PhD University of Utrecht - SCM Utrecht Netherlands p.d.j.vanoostrum@phys.uu.nl
59 Mr. MONTI Fabrice male PhD ESPCI - MMC Paris France fabrice.monti@espci.fr
60 Mr. Schiller Ulf male PhD Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research D-55128 Mainz Germany uschille@mpip-mainz.mpg.de
61 Mr. Vissers T male PhD Soft Condensed Matter Group Utrecht Netherlands t.vissers@phys.uu.nl
62 Dr. Keim Peter male PostDoc Universitaet Graz 8010 Graz Austria peter.keim@uni-graz.at
63 Mr. Krzysztof Sadlej male PhD Warsaw University, Institute of Theoretical Physics 00-681, Warszaw Poland ksadlej@fuw.edu.pl
64 Dr. Soranno Andrea male PhD Universita degli Studi di Milano - Dip. Chim. Bioch. e Biotecn. Mediche Segrate (Milano) Italy andrea.soranno@gmail.com
65 Ms. Vermolen Esther female PhD Soft Condensed Matter, Utrecht University 3584 CC Utrecht the Netherlands e.c.m.vermolen@phys.uu.nl
66 Mr. Asanithi Piyapong male PhD Department of Physics and UniS Material Institute Guildford GU2 7XH U.K. p.asanithi@surrey.ac.uk
67 Ms. Franzrahe Kerstin female PhD University of Konstanz 78457 Konstanz Germany Kerstin.Franzrahe@uni-konstanz.de
70 Mr. Sengupta Ankush male PhD S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences Kolkata India ankush@bose.res.in
71 Mr. Marechal Matthieu male PhD Soft condensed matter group, Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands M.A.T.marechal@phys.uu.nl
72 Dr. Eduardo Sanz male PostDoc Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands edusanz1978@hotmail.com
73 Dr. Sengupta Surajit male Prof S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences Kolkata India surajit@bose.res.in
74 Mr. van Teeffelen Sven male PhD Insititut fuer Theoretische Physik II, Uni Duesseldorf Duesseldorf Germany teeffelen@thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de
75 Mr. de Hoog Jan-Paul male PhD Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands j.l.dehoog@chem.uu.nl
76 Ms. Bauer Teresa female undergraduate Technische Universität¤t München 80469 München Germany teresa.bauer@ph.tum.de
77 Dr. Vink Richard male PostDoc Institut für Theoretische Physik II 40225 Duesseldorf Germany vink@uni-mainz.de
78 Mr. Phillips Jonathan male PhD H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol Bristol UK jp2359@bristol.ac.uk
79 Dr. Corezzi Silvia female PostDoc Dipartimento di Fisica and CNR-INFM-SOFT, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" Roma Italy corezzi@fisica.unipg.it
80 Dr. Besseling Rut male PostDoc School of Physics, The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH9 3JZ UK rbesseli@ph.ed.ac.uk
81 Ms. Dérot Claire female PhD student Laboratoire des Colloides Verres et Nanomateriaux, UMR 5587, CNRS-UM2, Université Montpellier 2 34095 Montpellier CEDEX 05 France martin.in@lcvn.univ-montp2.fr