Internal SFB Workshop
The first internal SFB-workshop will take place
from: 03. March to 05. March 2003
at: Wilhelm-Kempf-Haus 1
Tagungsstätte des Bistums Limburg
65207 Wiesbaden-Naurod
arrival: Monday, 03.03.2003 until 12:00 |
MONDAY, 03.03.03 | ||
lunch 12:00 - 13:30 |
13:45 - 14:20 | Jan Dhont Shear Banding in Colloidal Fluids |
A1 |
14:20 - 14:55 | Jörg Stellbrink Equilibrium structure of "tunable" colloids |
A2 |
14:55 - 15:30 | Arnout Imhof Real-space study concentrated colloidal dispersions under shear and in electric fields |
A3 |
coffee break 15:30 - 15:55 |
15:55 - 16:30 | Roland Winkler Multi-Particle-Collision Dynamics: Simulation of fluid flow on mesoscopic scales |
A4 |
16:30 - 17:05 | Jürgen Horbach On the phase behaviour of confined colloids: Monte Carlo simulations in the semi-grandcanonical ensemble |
A5 |
17:05 - 17:40 | N.N. compression and motion of colloidal crystals in electric fields |
B1 |
17:40 - 18:15 | Gerhard Nägele Colloidal interdiffusion |
B2 |
dinner 18:30 |
general meeting 19:30 |
Tuesday, 04.03.03 | ||
breakfast 08:00 |
09:00 - 09:35 | Ramon Castaneda Priego Dynamical effects in quasi-two-dimensional charged colloidal suspensions |
B3 |
09:35 - 10:10 | Vladimir Lobaskin A local algorithm for Coulomb interactions |
B4 |
coffee break 10:10 - 10:35 |
10:35 - 11:10 | Christoph Lutz Diffusion of colloidal particles |
C1 |
11:10 - 11:45 | Vladimir Froltsov Chain formation in two-dimensional dipolar fluids |
C3 |
lunch 12:00 - 13:30 |
13:45 - 14:20 | Peter Nielaba Elastic constants in colloidal crystals from microscopic strain fluctuations |
C4 |
14:20 - 14:55 | Urs Gasser Elastic Properties of a two-dimensional colloidal system |
C2 |
coffee break 14:55 - 15:20 |
15:20 - 18:20 | poster session | |
dinner 18:30 |
meeting international conference 20:00 |
WEDNESDAY, 05.03.03 | ||
breakfast 08:00 |
09:00 - 09:35 | Michael Reichert Hydrodynamic coupling of two rotating spheres |
C5 |
09:35 - 10:10 | Rene Messina Phase diagram of Yukawa Bilayers | D1 |
coffee break 10:10 - 10:35 |
10:35 - 11:10 | Paul Wessels Interfacial Behaviour of Colloid-Polymer Mixtures in Porous Media | D3 |
11:10 - 11:45 | Matthias Schmidt From liquid wetting to capillary freezing in colloid-polymer mixtures |
D4 |
11:45 - 12:20 | final discussion | |
lunch 12:30 - 13:30 |

List of participiants
Nr. | name | home institute | project |
1 | Allahyarov, Elshad | Jülich | -- |
2 | Barreira Fontecha, Ana | Uni-Mainz | B1 |
3 | Bartsch, Eckhard | Mainz | B1 |
4 | Binder, Kurt | Mainz | A5/C4 |
5 | Chatterji, Apratim | Mainz | Guest |
6 | Das, Subir | Mainz | Guest |
7 | Dijkstra, Marjolein | Utrecht | D4 |
8 | Dhont, Jan | Jülich | A1 |
9 | Duenweg, Burkhard | MPIP Mainz | B4 |
10 | Eisenmann, Christoph | Konstanz | C2 |
11 | Franzrahe, Kerstin | Konstanz | C4 |
12 | Froltsov, Vladimir | Düsseldorf | C3 |
13 | Gasser, Urs | Konstanz | C2 |
14 | Gisler, Thomas | Konstanz | C5 |
15 | Gompper, Gerhard | Jülich | A4 |
16 | v.Grünberg, Hans-Hennig | Konstanz | B3 |
17 | Henseler, Peter | Konstanz | C4 |
18 | Hoffmann, Norman | Düsseldorf | C3 |
19 | Holm, Christian | MPIP Mainz | B4 |
20 | Horbach, Jürgen | Mainz | A5/C4 |
21 | Imhof, Arnout | Utrecht | A3 |
22 | Kaminski, Heike | Düsseldorf | Z |
23 | Kank, Kyong | Jülich | A1 |
24 | Klein, Rudolf | Konstanz | B3 |
25 | Konieczny, Martin | Düsseldorf | C3 |
26 | Kremer, Kurt | MPIP Mainz | B4 |
27 | Leiderer, Paul | Konstanz | C1 |
28 | Likos, Christos N. | Düsseldorf | C3 |
29 | Lobaskin, Vladimir | MPIP Mainz | B4 |
30 | Löwen, Hartmut | Düsseldorf | C3 |
31 | Lutz, Christoph | Konstanz | C1 |
32 | Maret, Georg | Konstanz | C2 |
33 | Martin, Stephen | Konstanz | C5 |
34 | Mayer, Christian | Düsseldorf | C3 |
35 | Mc Phie, Mathieu | Jülich | B2 |
36 | Medebach, Martin | Uni-Mainz | B1 |
37 | Messina, Rene | Düsseldorf | D1 |
38 | Mussawisade, K. | Jülich | A4 |
39 | Nägele, Gerhard | Jülich | B2 |
40 | Nielaba, Peter | Konstanz | C4 |
41 | Palberg,Thomas | Uni-Mainz | B1 |
42 | Pasichnyk, Igor | MPIP Mainz | B4 |
43 | Priego, Ramon Castaneda | Konstanz | B3 |
44 | Rathgeber, Silke | Jülich | A1 |
45 | Reich, Hendrik | Düsseldorf | D3 |
46 | Reichert, Michael | Konstanz | C5 |
47 | Ricci, Andrea | Mainz | C4 |
48 | Ripoll, M. | Jülich | A4 |
49 | Rother, Gernot | Jülich | A2 |
50 | Sandormirski, Kirill | Konstanz | C5 |
51 | Schmidt, Matthias | Düsseldorf | D3 |
52 | Schneider, Johannes | Mainz | A5/C4 |
53 | Schöpe, Hans-Joachim | Uni-Mainz | B1 |
54 | Stark, Holger | Konstanz | C5 |
55 | Stellbrink, Jörg | Jülich | A2 |
56 | Vink, Richard | Mainz | A5/C4 |
57 | Wessels, Paul | Düsseldorf | D3 |
58 | Willner, Lutz | Jülich | A2 |
59 | Winkler, R. G. | Jülich | A4 |
60 | Wysocki, Adam | Düsseldorf | C3 |